On the Mend and Writing Again

It has been a long recovery since my motorcycle accident on November 11th. I suffered a serious injury to my right knee, as well as bruising and contusions to my right and left leg, and a badly sprained wrist. I have been rehabbing now since shortly after the accident, and still don’t have complete range of motion but I’m slowly getting there.

During this time I have done no writing at all, though the ideas are there, the time and energy has not been. But over the last month I have now slowly gotten myself back to writing the next Jarvis Mann detective story, The Case of the Invisible Souls. I hope to have the first draft of this short story completed in the next few weeks. I’ve also started the next novel, The Front Range Butcher, with hopes of having it done by the end of the year. So fans of Jarvis don’t worry, his adventures will continue. Stay tuned!!

2 thoughts on “On the Mend and Writing Again

  1. I’m glad you are doing better! Take your time to fully recover. The writing will come when it needs to.

    I hope to be more caught up on books for review relatively soon so I can finish the others in the series I need to read. I really like your series!


    1. Thanks Jessica. It’s been a long road, 7 months now, but I’m getting there. Working hard on the next novel. Probably out late this year if all goes well. Should give you plenty of time to catch up.


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